Motorola Moto E6i in Geekbench 5

Here we show you how fast the Motorola Moto E6i is in the benchmark Geekbench 5. You can use the benchmark result to decide whether the product is suitable for your applications.

The Motorola Moto E6i uses the processor with 0 cores and is equipped with 2 GB Unknown memory.



Core count: 0
Core A: x @ 0.00 GHz
Core B: x @ 0.00 GHz
Core C: x @ 0.00 GHz


Memory Size: 2 GB
Memory Type: Unknown
Memory Bandwith: --

Benchmark results

Geekbench 5 - Single Core

Geekbench 5 is a multi-system benchmark and measures the performance of a computer. Geekbench version 5 contains new test fields such as augmented reality applications and calculations for machine learning.

View all Geekbench 5 benchmark results

Geekbench 5 - Multi Core

Geekbench 5 is a multi-system benchmark and measures the performance of a computer. Geekbench version 5 contains new test fields such as augmented reality applications and calculations for machine learning.

View all Geekbench 5 benchmark results

More benchmarks for
Motorola Moto E6i

In order to find out the actual speed of a smartphone, so-called benchmarks are carried out in addition to practical tests. This is software or apps that measure the performance of a smartphone and compare the time it takes.

The currently best-known benchmarks for smartphones are Geekbench and AnTuTu. Geekbench measures the CPU performance (i.e. the performance of the smartphone processor), while AnTuTu measures the performance of the smartphone’s graphics card in addition to the processor performance. The graphics performance is of particular interest to you if you like to play games with your smartphone.

We currently use the following benchmarks in detail in our smartphone comparison:

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